Mens summer basketball / Pre-Season training starts Thursday 25th July 2019. We aim to be running sessions now until September when our main season starts.
Unlike previous seasons, we unfortunately cannot get access to John Ferneley College until Sepmtember and when the schools return. Therefore the session on Thursday 25th July will be at Catmose College, Oakham - 7:30 to 9:30. Some extra information about this session:
- This is the adult mens session, further information and about juniors and women's will be posted shortly
- This session will be £5 to cover the cost of the booking
- Sessions at Catmose College are a short term fix, sessions will return back to Melton Mowbray as soon as we can find a suitable venue.
- Lifts are being offered from Melton Mowbray leaving at 19:10 from the Bus Park opposite The Kettleby Cross