We want to start back with basketball as much as you do! However, at present there are some things which are sadly out of our control.
The first is our venue. We use John Ferneley College which is a school first and foremost, so the safety of their pupils is paramount. At present, we can't gain access to the college to start back basketball. As soon as we can, we will start up practices right away.
The second is the league itself. At the moment we do not have any idea when the league will aim to resume competition. It is likely that competition will be disrupted with local lockdowns, players, coaches and officials isolating, no car pooling / sharing and other measures.
As soon as we know when we can start up again, we'll shout about it on here, Facebook and instagram. Until then, please be patient with us as we try and work out just how we are going to get back to normal.